A few years ago, I noticed that patients suffering from reflux esophagitis

were steadily increasing.

I also suffer from severe pain when I sleep at night because I am suffering from severe reflux.

I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't sleep a few days before I thought I'd die

Most of the doctors gave acid inhibitors to doctors when I went to the hospital.

It worked temporarily if I ate it.

However, I thought that I could not continue to eat medicines that suppress gastric acids.

Of course, doctors can prescribe something similar to a fire extinguisher,

The color of the feces changes, and the food is normally not digested properly.

Also, I began to feel uneasy about whether there would be some side effects if I keep eating drugs.

While I was trying to find another way to survive, I thought I would sleep on a ZESPA chair (model name : ZP 737) and sleep with a slightly higher body.

I bought the chairs about 39$ and the back seat was too high.

When I wake up, I get a pain in my neck. To prevent

Cutting the ends of the back seat , cut the cloth.

The cut was made of tape and made the head bend backward.

The arms were placed higher by the height of the wood to make it higher.

I placed a rectangular pillow in the lower part of my waist to keep my back from hurting.

Another thing is to eat potato starch after eating recently.

After buying a potato starch in a mart, add a few scoops of the dish to the microwave oven and sterilize it with a little bit of water.

You need to eat pulp.

To utilize the mucosal protective effect of potato

It was more effective and cheaper than buying expensive Geviscon medicines every time.

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